Neighborhood Events and Real Estate News and Analysis in Glendale (my home town!) Kirkwood and Webster Groves, Missouri
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Santa Claus is Coming to Kirkwood (and it's FREE!!!)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Most Expensive Home Sale of the Week -

Every year on the third of July (which happens to be the birthday of my twins), Katie and I march the troops three blocks east to watch the fireworks from this street. It's a wonderful neighborhood and a fabulous home.
Have questions about the market? Let me know and we can talk about it. johnjackson@remax.net .
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Horrible MLS Photo of the Week

I'm stunned by the simple beauty of this kitchen. Yellow cabinets on a yellow wall, with orange cabinets on an orange wall below the chair rail. It's the perfect combo. Why didn't I think of that?
The range next to the sink is a nice touch, as well. I bet when you wheel the dishwasher up to the sink, the kitchen is what us realtors call "efficient".
Monday, November 9, 2009
This Is It! I think I found it!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Most Expensive Home Sale of the Week - Glendale Renovation

Turkey Day is Coming!!! Start Running...Right Now!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tax Credit Watch
Homebuyer Tax Credit, Unemployment Bill Advances in Senate
By Brian Faler
Nov. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Legislation to extend unemployment benefits and a tax credit for first-time homebuyers cleared a procedural hurdle in the U.S. Senate as Democrats pushed to complete work on the measure this week.
Lawmakers voted 85-2 to move closer to a final vote on the bill, which would extend until April 30 the $8,000 homebuyer credit that otherwise would expire at the end of this month.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said last week he hoped both houses of Congress would pass the legislation by tomorrow.
That’s unlikely to happen if Senate Republicans, unhappy that Democrats are blocking their amendments to the plan, force the chamber through a series of procedural steps before the final vote.
In addition to extending the tax break for first-time homebuyers, the measure would let more people qualify for the credit, including some who already own homes and those with higher incomes.
Homebuyers who have lived in their prior residence for at least five years could receive a credit of $6,500. Couples earning as much as $225,000 a year and individuals earning up to $125,000 would qualify. That’s up from the current $75,000 limit for individuals and $150,000 for couples.
The tax credit was enacted as part of an economic stimulus plan in February. More than 1.2 million borrowers have claimed $8.5 billion of the $13.6 billion set aside for the homebuyer tax credits this year, according to the Treasury Department.
The Obama administration has endorsed the extension. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the revised homebuyer tax credit would cost $10.8 billion over 10 years.
The legislation also calls for spending $2.4 billion to extend unemployment benefits by 14 weeks in all states, and by six additional weeks in states with the highest jobless rates.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Most Expensive Sale of the Week - $700,000

Real Estate and The Marathon
For me, running is a little different. I really enjoy the numbers, the competition, and the improvement. I don't mind the solitude, but those of you that know me can understand that I'd be very happy to chat all the way along.
Two weeks ago, I ran the Chicago Marathon. 18 weeks of training, lots of worry about injury and certainly some sacrifice in family time. All those hours by myself gave me time to think about my life, my career and my family. It turns out that running and real estate actually have a lot in common!
Out on the road, the good days are really good. I often felt light, fast and unstoppable- like I could run forever! Other days out there were a real slog - rainy, cold wet ones when it seems like I'd have done just as well to call it a day without ever getting out the door.
Over time and with experience, you realize you have to have both kinds of days. The common thread is clear. Perseverance is an essential quality and one that no marathoner or successful real estate agent can do without.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Horrible MLS Photo of the Day

Friday, October 16, 2009
The Most Expensive Sale of the Week - $850,000 in Des Peres

This property's journey ended in what I would call a "Win-Win" for both the buyer and home builder. Ginger Fawcett of my RE/MAX Suburban office, who specializes in working with builders and new homes, brokered the deal in a relatively short time frame (144 days), given the current market conditions.
I'm never surprised when our company's listings sell, despite a constant supply of new listings around them. Full time agents have a real advantage when it comes to keeping up with market conditions, pricing, etc.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
How I Got Into This Job In The First Place
I had interviewed at a couple financial companies for various entry level positions. Needless to say, the job prospects for a French Major with "Busboy" and "Business Suit Sales" on his resume were hardly inspiring (not to mention no one offered me the jobs!)
My parents owned a real estate company, RE/MAX Suburban, in Chesterfield. I was otherwise unemployed, having just graduated from St. Louis University, had a real estate license and helped out answering phones on the weekend. Sounds foolproof, right?
My dad called me into his office and said that someone had called in search of a property to rent. They had been commuting DAILY from Jefferson City to Boeing in North St. Louis, roughly 90 minutes each way. He said no one else in the office wanted this one because rental property didn't pay much. At most, I'd make around $200.
Well, after showing Mr. and Mrs. H about 15 horrific rental properties, I got a call from her saying that Boeing was going to give them a $3,000 bonus for relocating to St. Louis. That, I told her, was about exactly how much she'd need for a down payment on a house. Next trip out, they bought a very charming, 3 bedroom ranch in Lake St. Louis, MO.
She was trilled! No more leaving for work at 4 a.m. for Mr. H., her kids had a finished basement to enjoy, and I made $2,700 bucks! Maybe not quite that much after the company split, gas costs to see all those houses, etc., but you get the point. I was hooked! Just needed another customer!?!?
Anyway, after another few sales, I made about another 10 grand the rest of that year, and along with my wife's earnings as a waitress (5 nights/week while pregnant!!), we made it work. I've since learned that any new business is a real challenge, no matter what you're doing. 1998 was a really rough year for us, but I started to figure out how to actually make a living...
And that maybe the old saying was true.
"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Webster Hills UMC Pumpkin Patch
They have family activities set up for each Saturday from Oct. 10-24, including Bounce Houses, games, storytelling, facepainting and a great BBQ. The hours are 10am-8pm, daily Oct. 4-31.
The Most Expensive Sale of the Week - $1,675,000

Friday, September 25, 2009
The "Best Quality" New Construction, $500,000-1 Million
- I'm looking at the house itself, not so much lot, location or overall value of the property. Those things are worth talking about, but I get a lot of questions about what new construction is well-built and what isn't.
- Builders tend to "Design, Sell, Build, Repeat". They generally use the same sub-contractors over and over, so quality, as it relates to builders, is what it is...consistent.
- I'm considering "New Construction" to be less than 2 years old. Around WKG, that's "new enough" for most buyers.
Here's my short list of good stuff:
136 Reavis Place in Webster Groves. Classic interior finishes and everything (except the basement) is finished. True craftsmanship and I LOVE screened in porches! My wife would kill for this 3rd floor.
107 Morningside in Kirkwood. I know, I know, it's 2 doors from Lindbergh Blvd., but this is about the house, remember? Hayden Homes built this one in 2007 and it's a very stylish home. Lots of cool features, unless you're morally opposed to the exterior color!
802 Oakway Place in Glendale. Our office has this one listed and this builder, Scharf Custom Homes, has completed many infill projects around town. It's the "not-so little" stuff that sets this one apart from the boxey, sea of "siding-carpet-drywall" homes that our buyers consistently reject.
This photo shows at least 5 high quality features: wood treads on the steps, wainscoating up the staircase, arched openings fully trimmed, crown in the foyer, etc.Thursday, September 24, 2009
6th Annual Ivory Crockett Run 4 Webster - Oct. 3

My wife and I love to be a part of local races like this in Webster, Kirkwood and Glendale (WKG), either by sponsoring these great events financially, volunteering (which I don't do nearly enough), or actually running in them. It's really fun to race through the neighborhoods and see our friends and neighbors who love to run as much as we do. I especially like that this event offers a 110-yard dash for kids under 12.
Last year, more than 500 people participated in the race and this year should be another great turnout. Click on the title of the blog post to be connected to the registration information, or contact the Sports Medicine and Training Center at 314-961-3787!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Three Best Buys in Glendale, Right This Minute
There are, however, a few bright spots. Here's a short list of the best buys in the bunch:
1303 Monier Pl., $199,900
798 Venneman Ave., $205,000
935 Glenway Dr. $249,900
Even for these, price adjustments may be in order, but it's slim pickins for Glendale buyers at the moment. I'll be watching closely to see how they go.
The market could easily handle several more quality listings all the way up the line.
Ask John
A. This is a great question and a huge point of frustration for sellers and listing agents. The fact is that their IS a buyer for every property in our market. In my experience, there are two reasons that listings "expire", or fail to sell.
The first reason is that sellers can't/won't do what it takes to sell the property, financially speaking. In many cases, market values have dropped and the mortgage balance hasn't. Reducing the price just isn't an option, despite the knowledge that the market price should be much lower. Another common scenario, in Webster, Kirkwood and Glendale in particular, occurs when sellers have limited cash reserves on hand to make improvements to a property that just doesn't look very good. In short, the MARKET is saying the price is too high and the seller just can't/won't respond.
The second reason homes fail to sell falls on us Realtors. Too many agents can't/won't/don't know how to express to a seller the aforementioned "what it takes to sell". We leave sellers blind to the realities of their property and the market of which it's a part. Does it look terrible? Do the buyers hate the kitchen? Is anything else selling around it? We, the experts, have to lead the way down the path of success.
Sometimes the truth hurts, but 200+ days on the market hurts every time.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Most Expensive Home Sale This Week

Sale price...$343,000!!!!!
I've been watching the slowing of higher end WKG all year, but this is an amazing statistic. Just a very slow month in terms of high dollar sales. That leaves 196 homes on the market priced higher than $343,000. Yikes.
The GATOR is coming to Glendale!!
Just Click the title of the post above to be connected to the event details. See you there September 26!
Monday, September 21, 2009
The World Is Your Oyster...As Long as Your Oyster is About 20 Square Miles
What does that mean? Here's a slice: 11 years, about 600 transactions, around $100 Million in sales. 5 kids from 2-10, working in an office along side both my mom AND dad AND sister, building a team of top agents. Lots of late nights, weekends, occasional tense deals, and the frequent satisfaction of happy clients enjoying a new home. Lots of successes, lots of failures. Overall, a terrific ride.
Why should I care? I DON'T KNOW...however, every single day, people ask "How's the market?" Increasingly, they also ask "Are you selling anything?" I'll HONESTLY answer both questions here on a daily basis.
My own neighborhood (Glendale) and our immediate neighbors (Webster Groves and Kirkwood), without question, are right at the top of the list of where to live in St. Louis. I'm not talking about "status", I'm talking about good old fashioned quality of life. That is a subject that I'll be coming back to over and over again. I'll talk about neighborhood events, houses that matter and offer advice to our clients, friends and neighbors.
More than anything, I welcome your insights, thoughts, comments and questions. Let's have some fun with this, not take it too seriously and sort through what's going on out there.