Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Three Best Buys in Glendale, Right This Minute

Glendale has 33 homes for sale right now, with a real "hodgepodge" of over-priced lemons, corner lots on busy streets and major fixer-uppers. Prices range from $149,900 (each) for a pair of uninhabitable tear-downs to $799,900 for 5 bedrooms on a half acre.

There are, however, a few bright spots. Here's a short list of the best buys in the bunch:

1303 Monier Pl., $199,900

798 Venneman Ave., $205,000

935 Glenway Dr. $249,900

Even for these, price adjustments may be in order, but it's slim pickins for Glendale buyers at the moment. I'll be watching closely to see how they go.

The market could easily handle several more quality listings all the way up the line.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Venneman was a pretty good deal, until I saw that it was on a slab. That's too bad.


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